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This clip came from the episode that aired on 10/24/2017 .


This was the first thing I did for the show that I had complete control over. Before this, I just helped others film their packages, and this is the first time I filmed for me. I didn't have to edit this segment and just sent it in as it was just used for B-Roll, but it was still an important first step.


This clip came from the episode that aired on 10/16/2018.



After I got into the groove of my sophomore year, I decided that I wanted to be more involved in the creation of packages. I still helped shoot with others, but I was never really that hands-on with it. During a production meeting, someone came up with an idea of creating a package on saving money at GoodWill and need an extra set of hands. I offered and helped shoot at the location. Normally I would just hand off the footage to someone else to be edited, but this time I was asked to edit in order to save time. I accepted since I was already pretty decent at it, but this was my first time I edited professionally and the final result turned out great.


This clip came from the episode that aired on 12/4/2018


Since the first budget package went so well, we decided to do another one for the Christmas season. The only real difference was that we switched from GoodWill to Dollar Tree and that the manager said we couldn't use our traditional cameras to shoot as it (understandably) freak out the customers. So we used my iPhone X, which I have never used to shoot before, and soon found just how high quality it was. The audio quality was down since we couldn't use our LAV mics, but it still looked we used our normal cameras even though we did not.


This clip came from the episode that aired on 12/22/2019


This was the final package I did for #That during my sophomore year. The only real thing of note about this one was that Amanda (yes, the same Amanda from the video) recommended that I not speed up the clips as I did before. I did not mind that as in retrospect the speed up kind of made the packages themselves hard to watch. Also, after the shoot, Amanda and Kristen recorded an extra farewell at the end that featured me. At first, I was hesitant about including it since I preferred to just be the guy behind the camera, but I eventually gave in and am happy that I did as it was a nice send-off. 


This clip came from the episode that aired on 9/30/2019


This was the first package I did for #That during my junior year. That being said, this package mainly belonged to the person staring in it, Gabby Brailovskiy. She was the one who came up with the idea and wrote down the questions, I just helped her shoot and edit the final product.

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